All Girls Covent School London Fire Alarm System Installation
Type of business: Community Housing
Services used:

Fire Alarm Systems

What we did: EBFP was chosen to install a new Kentec K-Systems Synchro fire alarm system comprising of 450 devices, combined with 400 emergency lights.
Full details:


Install a new Kentec K-Systems Synchro fire alarm system comprising of 450 devices, combined with 400 emergency lights. All works could only be completed in short windows of school holidays to ensure pupil safety.


Full R & D surveys were required to eliminate or locate asbestos. Ground (civil) works were completed to lay the new cabling under grass and pathway areas to ensure rodents were unable to destroy them. Certain devices were fitted with protective guards to ensure they were not damaged by school activities such as sports. High level working was dealt with by hiring expert lifting equipment operated by our trained staff. The fire stopping was also carried out by EBFP across the site.


The entire school is now 100% compliant with previous issues experienced completely eliminated. Three blocks are now installed with new addressable panels creating a global network, enabling users to silence, reset and be notified of incidents anywhere on the entire site with it’s exact location aiding fire fighting teams.